Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Variable Universal Life Insurance - Flexibility at its Best?

Variable universal life insurance has tax advantages to policy holders. The investment earnings of the policy are tax free, as long as the policy is in place. Also, the death benefit can
be played income tax free if paid correctly. And, after ten years, the policy earns FIFO
withdrawal status. Taxes tend to one of the main reasons that people who are relatively wealthy choose to use this type of life insurance.

The ability to earn a return on the policy is another advantage of this form of life insurance. As discussed, the premiums paid on this life insurance are invested in investments chosen by the policy holder. This freedom allows many people to make considerable income with their life insurance policy.
Disadvantages of Variable Universal Life Insurance
One of the main disadvantages of this form of life insurance is the high cost of premiums. Variable Universal Life policies are more expensive for the most part than other types of life insurance. The reason for this is that the value of this policy can increase, and there are tremendous tax savings.

Some claim that while the policy holder can choose their investments, they are limited in he types of investments they can choose. Also, the investments are set up in accounts that the Rate this Article





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insurance company runs. Rate this Article





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Finally, the expenses can grow on these policies. If many policy
holders in the company die, and their dependents receive the death benefit, it can cause the insurance company to create more expensive terms for their policies. The chance is there that the policy could lose money over time.

Insurance life universal variable may be a good option for you, if you are willing to take on the risks involved. Now that you know the advantages and disadvantages of variable universal life insurance, you can make the choice that is best for you!

The ultimate consumer is still not aware of life insurance policies. The level of his understanding is not sufficient. This is partly because of the reason said above. Some of the domestic companies don't have the technical expertise to implement the latest practices.

Moreover the services of insurance agents could sometimes do more bad than good. Some of them try to convince their clients to invest more or to choose certain policies which are not much beneficial to the clients. A person will find himself in trouble if he invests more than what is actually required. Since some agents indulge in unethical practices, this has led to wrong mindsets among general public about insurers.

The number of advantages outnumbers the disadvantages. Life insurance is a savings option that helps the individuals, general public, business houses and the nation at large.It is therefore a wise move to choose a life insurance policy. The consumer has to gather life insurance information before choosing a particular policy.
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