Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Auto Insurance - Why and How to Switch

If you've been told that you'll save some premium dollars if you switch to another auto insurance provider, you've heard the truth. However, you might NOT have heard the whole truth...

Why should you switch to another insurer?

1. For better rates if you're sure you'll get comparable service. If you're only sure of lower rates but might be losing great service or quality coverage, think twice.

2. If you're plainly dis-satisfied with your current insurer for any reason, it's time to shop for a better company.

To also ensure you don't get hurt while you switch your auto insurance policy or later, consider the following...

1. Many insurance companies advertise lower rates to lure new customers. What most don't tell you is that your rates will NOT remain the same say one year later. So here are things you should do...

Ask your agent point blank how long the present rate would last for each component of your policy. On the other hand, be prepared to switch maybe every year if need be to ensure you keep enjoying very low rates.

2. Make sure you won't be charged any fees for switching either by your current insurer or the new one. For your current insurer, you might be charged if you decide to switch unexpectedly. So check this out. Even if there are few at both ends, make sure your switch is very profitable to you both in terms of coverage quality, service and a great rate.

3. Make sure your new policy is fully in force before you end your old contract. Some folks ignorantly allow their auto insurance policy to lapse while switching insurers. This would make it difficult for you to enjoy cheaper rates for some time to come. So be sure the new policy is fully operational before you terminate the old contract.

4. Since you're thinking of a switch, why NOT do thorough comparison shopping? Since most insurers would offer lower rates to new policyholders for say 6 to 12 months, why NOT see who favors you most. This exercise would take you just a few minutes but could save you several hundreds of dollars, thanks to the internet.

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